Sanda Spiegel Impressions

Welcome to my site. Please enjoy these works that I have created. This site is still under construction. More detail will be added about each piece in time.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or for purchase info contact me by phone or email:

831 588 2580

Feather Woman




Barely Above Water


The Patchwork Animal


Mother and Children


Behind the Fence


You Want Me to do WHAT?


After the Storm


Thinking of Home








Shadow People


Art is my happy place. It is where I am most content, and where I can (usually, let’s be honest here) focus on my work and ignore distractions. I have worked in a variety of mediums and formats, from watercolor, acrylic, and encaustic painting, to ceramics, assemblage, and photography. My subject matter is based on my impressions, either observed, or felt. It ranges from landscape, to figurative, to abstract. I do not try for completely realistic images. Rather, I am seeking to convey a sense of my subject matter, and the emotions, feelings, movement, and moods that go with it.